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Shanghai Report II - Auto Shanghai 2007

Hello. I am Yoshizawa from the Tokyo Motor Show Office. This is the second part of our Shanghai Report. My colleague, Takahashi will tell you about Shanghai and the delicious food there, as well as reporting more about Auto Shanghai.

Hello. I am Takahashi. As I told you in my previous report,the Chinese are really energetic, and Shanghai symbolizes their energy. The city is busy with new skyscrapers and old buildings mixed together and the linear-motor train running from the airport.

(Skyscrapers in Shanghai)

Companies exhibiting at Auto Shanghai put up many billboards around the city and a blimp was flying above the exhibition site. The entire city was filled with a festival-like atmosphere due to the automobile exhibition.

(The entire building turned into a huge billboard.)

The joys of traveling abroad include eating cuisine that you cannot eat at home. I enjoyed many delicious dishes such as authentic xiao long bao, (soup dumplings), and rice dumplings.

In Shanghai, 5,000 yen can satisfy three hungry people, even at a classy restaurant. Lamb seems to be very popular, and we ate it a lot.
Inside the Auto Shanghai venue, there was a restaurant presented by an exhibitor. It served delicious and filling dishes.

(Very filling!)

In the outdoor space, there were many international fast food restaurants. One of them puts up a sign saying ramen in Japanese.

(The red lantern has ramen written on it.)

An amusement park in China with copies of American and Japanese characters was in the news recently. In fact, an automobile exhibition copying Auto Shanghai 2007 was being open during the same period, in the same area, and with the same theme. Even their website address is very similar to the Auto Shanghai 2007 website, with only one different letter. Some companies mistakenly even applied to exhibit there.

The organizer of Auto Shanghai demanded that exhibiting companies not exhibit cars resembling those of other companies. There were, however, some such cars. Some of them took the front and back from two different cars.

(Have you seen parts of this car somewhere else?)

As well as making cars similar in appearance to other companies' cars, some companies even manufacture automobile parts similar to other companies' parts. Such cheap poor-quality parts reportedly cause many accidents. This is a matter of life and death. They should use genuine parts.

As international society more and more severely criticizes such counterfeiting in China, such copied cars and parts may decrease in the future.

Through this visit, I well understood the rapid growth of the Auto Shanghai automobile exhibition, which symbolizes the huge possibilities of the Chinese market.

Japanese / English
Hello!My name is Yoshizawa, Tokyo Motor Show Office. All of our staff members are gearing up for the opening of the 40th Tokyo Motor Show 2007 in October. I will provide “Hot information” like flamenco in the Tokyo Motor Show blog!